Club premises certificates
Policies and guidance
- Statement of Licensing Policy 2019-2024 (PDF, 780 KB)(opens new window)
- Licensing Act 2003
- How to find the non domestic rateable value of your premises
- Cumulative Impact Assessment (PDF, 9 MB)
Change of club rules or details
If you would like to make a change to the details on your club premises certificate or the clubs rules, you will need to inform of of this change by email.
Special occasions involving club members
There is no restriction on the number of occasions that your club premises can be used for a special occasion involving club members and the guests of members (and associate members and the guests of associate members) provided that you remain a club 'in good faith' such as supplying to members, associate members and guests and not to the general public.
If you wish to sell alcohol to non guests or permit the general public to use the facilities of the club then you will need to serve a temporary event notice, although certain restrictions will apply.
If you wish to do this on more than 12 occasions you will have to apply for a premises licence.