How decisions are made in the council
Decisions are made in the council every day. Some decisions could affect a large number of residents while others might only have a small effect. Decisions are made by the full Council, the Cabinet, and committees and, through delegation, by Council Officers.
Full Council
At Full Council all councillors meet to debate decisions on the council's budget, Constitution and policy framework. Full Council also elects a Leader with executive powers selected from and by the elected council as a whole.
The Cabinet is the principal decision-making body of the council. It is made up of the Leader, who is appointed by the council, and a Cabinet of up to nine councillors whom they appoint as portfolio holders. Each member of the Cabinet has a portfolio of responsibility that relates to a service/function of the council.
Cabinet Structure 2023/24 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Regulatory committees
These are committees appointed by Full Council to discharge specific council functions that are not the responsibility of the Cabinet.
Overview and Scrutiny
The Overview and Scrutiny Commission and its Scrutiny Committees examine the decisions, policies and overall performance of the council and its cabinet. They can make recommendations for improvements where necessary and also have the power to 'call in' decisions made by the cabinet before implementation.
Public Notice of Key Decisions
Legislation requires a council to publish its intention to make a key decision in a public notice before the decision is intended to be made. The notice has to include details of who will make the decision, the matter that is subject to a decision, other documents to be considered, and where these other documents are available.
Current and previous Public Notices of Key Decisions.
These decisions are published at least 28 clear days before the decision is made in accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
Delegated Executive Decisions and Administrative Decisions (Officer Decisions)
Some decisions are delegated by Cabinet or by Full Council, its committees and sub-committees, or to senior officers employed by the council. Responsibility for delegation of decisions can be viewed in the Council's Constitution.
View details of Delegated Executive Decisions made by Officers following consultation with Portfolio Holders.
View details of Operational Decisions made by officers.
Search facility for all decision-makers.