Information for parents and carers
A pupil may be suspended from school for a specific number of days or during lunchtimes. A pupil may be suspended for one or more fixed periods (up to a maximum of 45 school days in an academic year), or permanently excluded. A pupil's behaviour outside school can be considered grounds for a suspension or permanent exclusion.
This means that the student is not permitted to attend school for the specified period. The headteacher of your child's school will notify you of details of the suspension or permanent exclusion, including the reason(s).
Notification will be sent in writing, which will provide details about the suspension or permanent exclusion, what will happen next and who to contact for advice.
Returning to school following a fixed term suspension
You and your child may be invited to attend a re-integration interview with a member of school staff. The purpose of the interview is to discuss the best way to ensure your child's return to school is managed effectively.
What to expect if your child has been permanently excluded
If your child has been permanently excluded or has reached the maximum number of fixed term suspensions (45 school days in an academic year), then your child will meet the criteria for a managed transfer to an alternative school.
A local authority officer will advise you on the educational options available for your child.
If you would like some advice or have a query about suspensions and/or permanent exclusions, please email
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