Apply to be a school governor
Types of school governor
- A Parent Governor - is elected by and from the parent body at the school.
- A Staff Governor - is employed at the school in either a teaching or non-teaching capacity, and is elected by the teaching or non-teaching staff as applicable.
- A Foundation Governor - is nominated/appointed by the Church or Foundation that links with the school.
- A Co-opted Governor - is invited to join the governing body if they have particular skills, abilities or links with the school or the community it serves.
- A Local Authority Governor - is appointed by the governing body, following a recommended person made to them by the local authority (they are not political appointments).
Community or local authority governor role and criteria
If you are a potential Community or Authority Governor, you can download an application form (PDF, 247 KB)(opens new window) in PDF format. Please return the form to the Governor Services section. The address is given at the bottom of the form.
All appointments (and re-appointments following the completion of a four-year term of office) are subject to appointment regulations. See the Self Declaration for information regarding the criteria you must full fill in order to be appointed as a school governor. The list of criteria is provided within the application form in the above link.
All new governor appointments in St Helens will be subject to clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) following a DBS check.