Blue badge - frequently asked questions
How do I report misuse of a blue badge?
A Blue Badge is for the use and benefit only of the person to whom the Badge has been issued and misuse is a criminal offence which could lead to a £1,000 fine and confiscation of the badge.
A Blue Badge should only be displayed if the Badge holder is travelling in the vehicle as a driver or passenger, or for a driver to park at the place where the Badge holder is being picked up or dropped off.
Do not use the Badge to allow non-disabled people to take advantage of the benefits while you sit in the car. Although it is not illegal for a Badge holder, or a non-disabled person waiting for the Badge holder to return, to remain in the vehicle while the Blue Badge is displayed, consideration should be given to using a car park whenever possible.
A Badge holder who is using the concessions of the Blue Badge Scheme as a passenger should ensure the driver is aware of all the rules for using the Badge.
Police officers, council officers and civil enforcement officers have the power to inspect a Blue Badge and confiscate it if they believe it is being misused.
if you have any information or concerns about someone misuing a blue badge concession, please report it to us in confidence.
The council will seek to prosecute all cases of misuse.