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Applications for in-year transfers - primary school

Please note: applications will not be processed while the schools are on their Christmas break.


You should not withdraw your child from their current school before admission to another has been agreed. It is expected, therefore, that your child will continue to attend his/her current school while the in-year transfer application is being processed.

Please read the following notes before completing the in-year transfer application form.

Parental responsibility/one application per child

The application must be completed by a parent/carer who has parental responsibility. The local authority will only accept one application per child for school places. Where parents disagree on school preferences for their child, they must settle their differences between each other and submit only one form.

Before you make an application

Many parents request a transfer because their child is unhappy or because there are problems with friendship groups or bullying at school. We ask that every possible step be taken to try to resolve these problems before a request is made to transfer schools.

If, therefore, you wish to transfer your child to another local school (for reasons other than a change of address), we strongly recommend that you discuss the matter with the headteacher of your child's current school.

You should consider the decision very carefully, bearing in mind that the upheaval may damage your child's progress.

Applications for schools outside St Helens

If you want to apply for a school outside St Helens, you need to contact the relevant local authority - find contact details for neighbouring local authorities.

Change of address

If moving address, please ensure that you state the date of the move on Section 2 of the in-year transfer application form. Please also attach proof of your new address e.g. exchange of contracts or tenancy agreement and also inform your child's current school of the move.

As it normally takes 10 school days to process an in-year application, you should submit your form before the move.

Applications for more than one child

Please complete a separate form for each child. Please be aware that if you are applying for more than one child, it may not always be possible for your preferred school to admit any or all of the children. In such cases the local authority will normally offer an alternative school, if you are a St Helens resident.

Families of UK Service personnel and other Crown servants

If the in-year transfer application Form is accompanied by an official MOD, FCO or GCHQ letter declaring a relocation date, the local authority will process the application in advance of the relocation.

Asylum seeker applicants

If you are seeking asylum in the UK, please attach a copy of the UK Visas & Immigration letter confirming your asylum support arrangements.

Applications from parents coming from overseas

You should complete the transfer application form and attach a copy of your, and your child's, passport confirming that you have leave to enter or remain in the UK.

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