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Pupil place planning and schools organisation

St Helens Borough Council has a statutory responsibility to ensure there are sufficient school places for all pupils in the local area.

We complete the annual school capacity collection (in accordance with the Information as to Provision of Education Regulations 2016) for the Department for Education. This provides school-level data for every school in the borough. This information is analysed and used to determine where school places are in shortfall or in surplus.

To predict future demand of school places, we use a range of information including birth data, population forecasts, school census, school preference data, pupil migration data and information on planned housing developments (Section 106 contributions are sought when a development may create extra demand for pupil places).

By analysing this data, trends in pupil numbers can be reviewed, which helps with effective future forecasting and enables appropriate places to be commissioned, ensuring we provide sufficient places.

Statutory Consultations and Proposals

To meet the demand for school places we may need to make changes to existing schools. Proposals are subject to a range of statutory processes and consultations, for prescribed alterations to maintained schools, for the opening and closure of schools, and for school admission arrangements.

When there are proposals and consultations underway, information will be published below.


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Last modified on 30 January 2024