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What we spend and how we spend it

These items cover financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts. Anything with significant financial implications for the Council will be subject to a decision by Members and, where possible, will be discussed in public.

Council Tax explained

Find out what your Council Tax pays for

Financial statements, budget and monitoring reports

Information about the council's annual budget, monitoring reports and other financial statements.

Financial strategy

The financial strategy is a longer-term overview of the investment requirements to help with the allocation of resources needed to deliver the council's objective and priorities.

Financial transactions

Each month we publish a list of all payments made that are over £500 (excluding VAT) showing:

-          Who we paid

-          How much we paid

-          What the payment was for

This can be found on our payment to suppliers page.

Allowances paid to Councillors

Details regarding the amounts paid to Councillors and the Mayor under the Members Allowances Scheme.

Staff allowances and expenses are not currently on the internet. If you require information regarding this item please submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Pay and grading structure

Details of the salaries paid to the Council's chief officers. If you require information regarding pay and grading structures you should submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Procurement strategy and regulations

Procurement strategy and regulations relating to tendering opportunities with the council is available on TheChest. More information can be found on our Supplying the Council page.

List of contracts awarded and their value

This information is published:

-          Procurement card transactions page

-          How we buy things - St Helens Borough Council

-          Contracts register

Internal Financial Regulations

This information can be found via our financial procedure rules page

Annual accounts

Annual statement and summary of accounts.

Fees and charges

Details of fees and charges for services for which the council imposes a fee or charge.

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Last modified on 07 June 2023